Few accusations are more damaging than being charged with felony family violence. The moment you are accused, your life can change instantly – relationships become strained, your reputation is at risk, and law enforcement treats you as guilty before you’ve had the chance to defend yourself. These cases are prosecuted aggressively in Texas, and without the right legal representation, you could be facing years in prison, steep fines, and a permanent criminal record.

The earlier you involve a felony family violence attorney, the stronger your defense can be. At M|C Criminal Law, we understand the complexities of these cases and how easily misunderstandings, false accusations, or exaggerated claims can lead to life-altering charges. As former prosecutors, we know how the state builds its case, and we use that knowledge to fight for our clients.

Our firm is dedicated to protecting your rights, challenging weak evidence, and advocating for your best interests at every stage of the legal process. Do not wait to see how things unfold – take action now. Contact us today to discuss your case and start building your defense.

Degrees of Felony Family Violence OffensesSanctions
State Jail Felony180 days to two years in state jail and a fine of up to $10,000.
Third-Degree FelonyTwo to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Second-Degree FelonyTwo to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

First-Degree FelonyFive years to life in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
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evading arrest


Aggravated assault is already one of the most serious offenses in Texas, harshly sanctioned by the state. It involves committing assault and causing serious bodily injury or using or exhibiting a deadly weapon during the commission of the assault. However, if the assault is committed against a family member, it is considered domestic violence and can be elevated to a first-degree penalty, which carries even harsher penalties. You need experienced felony family violence attorneys to represent you.
evading arrest felony


Assault by impeding the breath or circulation of a person is another special and enhanced type of assault offense. It includes choking or strangling a person, but it is not important what kind of injuries were caused – the punishment is always the same. This type of assault is classified as family violence because it can only be committed against a family member, household member, or dating partner. This type of assault is a third-degree felony, unless the accused has prior domestic violence convictions, when it becomes a second-degree felony.
arrest vehicle


Injury to a child, elderly, or disabled individual is an offense intended to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. A person can commit this crime by causing physical harm to any member of these protected groups, but also by causing mental or emotional harm. The harm doesn’t even need to be caused by direct actions, but through neglect or omission. Depending on the circumstances of the case, this offense can be a state jail, third-degree, second-degree, or first-degree felony. If the child, disabled, or elderly individual is a member of the offender’s family, it can also be counted as family violence.
arrest conviction


Domestic sexual assault can be any type of non-consensual sexual contact that is committed within a family, dating relationship, or household. Domestic sexual assault can be prosecuted as a gross misdemeanor, but it is most often classified as a felony. Depending on the specific circumstances, it can be any type of felony, including a first-degree felony. In addition to imprisonment and fines, a person convicted of domestic sexual assault could also be obligated to register as a sex offender, which can destroy any semblance of a normal life after the conviction. These types of accusations necessitate the services of experienced felony family violence attorneys.
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At first glance, stalking might seem like a relatively minor offense compared to the other types of family violence charges. However, in Texas, stalking is always a felony. It can either be charged as a third-degree felony or a second-degree felony. This is not an accusation you can take lightly. It doesn’t matter if you believe it stems from a misunderstanding or your attempts to fix an estranged relationship, the penalties for a conviction are the same. Contact our felony family violence attorneys to explain the situation and we can guide you from there.
resisting arrest 1


Violating a protective order is typically charged as a misdemeanor, however, it can be enhanced to a felony in certain circumstances. Most importantly, if the violation is done by committing any form of domestic violence, be it by stalking, making threats, or assault, the charge can be enhanced to a felony offense. In those cases, it becomes a third-degree felony. Unfortunately, it is possible to violate a protective order unintentionally or unknowingly, but the charges can still stick. The best solution is to have felony family violence attorneys guide you through the process.
Why we know


At M|C Criminal Law, we are former public prosecutors turned criminal defense attorneys. We know how the prosecution likes to build their case and use that knowledge to our advantage. More importantly, we deeply understand how emotionally charged domestic violence accusations are and have the experience to guide our clients through these trying times. Our felony family violence attorneys can provide expert legal representation, as well as fight to protect your name and reputation.

What You Should Never Do if Faced with Felony Family Violence Accusations

At M|C Criminal Law, we are former public prosecutors turned criminal defense attorneys. We know how the prosecution likes to build their case and use that knowledge to our advantage. More importantly, we deeply understand how emotionally charged domestic violence accusations are and have the experience to guide our clients through these trying times. Our felony family violence attorneys can provide expert legal representation, as well as fight to protect your name and reputation.


What our clients say

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Family members are persons related by consanguinity (blood) or affinity (relation). This also includes adopted or foster children and parents, as well as ex-partners. For the purpose of many felony family violence offenses, dating partners and household members can be considered.
No, family violence is a broad term in Texas law and does not need to include any form of physical contact or violence. A person can be prosecuted for activities such as stalking, making threats, or causing emotional distress.
Yes, a domestic violence conviction can and will affect any future accusations. It may count as evidence in other domestic violence cases and any future convictions can be enhanced to a more severe offense because of the prior convictions.
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