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Drug Charges and Violations

Madson Castello Law

Common Misconceptions About Drug Charges

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, drug abuse arrests in the state total more than 100,000 a year, though in 2020 — the year of the pandemic onset — the statistics took a dramatic drop.
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Madson Castello Law

Social Host Liability Laws and Drugs

You’re planning a New Year’s, St. Patrick’s Day, or Super Bowl party and intend to serve alcohol. During the party, someone drinks too much and, on the way home, crashes into another vehicle, causing injuries and property damage. As a homeowner hosting a party in your own house, are you liable for allowing a guest to overdrink and then cause injury to others?
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Madson Castello Law

Can I Be Arrested for Drugs That Aren't Mine?

Many individuals are surprised to learn that they can be arrested for a drug offense even if the drugs aren’t theirs. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to get arrested and face criminal charges even if they know for a fact that the drugs did not belong to them.   According to a report by the Texas Department of Public Safety, the rate of drug possession arrests in the state stood at 255.2 for every 100,000 persons in 2020. It is unclear how many of those arrests were for drugs that did not actually belong to the defendant.
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Messina Madson & Kendall Castello, MC Criminal Law

Marijuana Possession in TX | Dallas County Crime

As more states have legalized marijuana, media reports about changes in local enforcement have caused misunderstandings about marijuana charges in Texas. To clear up any confusion, we wanted to offer some guidance and precautions.
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