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Family Violence

Assault Family Violence Impeding – Case Dismissed and Expunged

A decorated veteran and successful businessman was accused of a crime by his wife who was a medical doctor, shortly before she filed for divorce. We successfully challenged the case through the grand jury with polygraph results, an illustration of her financial motivation to make the accusation, and his exemplary past relationships and military record. The case was initially reduced to a misdemeanor by the grand jury and later dismissed and expunged while the complainant continued to press for full prosecution.

Assault Family Violence Impeding – Marriage Reconciled, Case Dismissed and Expunged

A highly successful businessman was accused of a crime against his wife. She initially filed for divorce. Through extensive work with client’s divorce attorney, we were able to help the client address his issue with alcohol and begin intensive marital counseling. The marriage was eventually reconciled and the case dismissed and expunged.

Violation of a Protective Order – Case Dismissed and Scheduled for Expunction

A business executive with a significant addiction issue showed up at his former home in violation of a protective order while highly inebriated. We were able to negotiate a conditional dismissal based on proven sobriety and an anger management course. The case was dismissed and is set for expunction.

Assault Family Violence Impeding – Relationship Reconciled, Case Dismissed

A young professional was involved in heated argument with his spouse when she called the police. She submitted an affidavit requesting charges be dropped, and he attended an anger management class. The felony charge was dismissed, and the couple reunited. We will pursue a petition for nondisclosure later this year.

Assault Injury to a Child/Elderly – Felony Reduced to a Ticket with Deferred Probation

A young man was charged with assaulting his girlfriend. She filed an affidavit to drop charges and we worked with an immigration attorney to assess his best outcome. The felony was reduced to a ticket, and the client received deferred probation.

Kidnapping – Counseling and case was reduced to a misdemeanor with deferred probation

A young couple was in an altercation in a parking lot. The male was immediately placed in multiple counseling programs. By showing he was proactive in addressing his issues, the case was reduced to a misdemeanor, allowing him to retain professional licenses.


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