Dallas texas



You Need a Family Violence Attorney to Represent You From the Start

Family violence allegations can have immediate and long-term consequences that threaten your freedom, reputation, and personal and professional future. It is crucial that you reach out to an experienced and trustworthy domestic violence defense attorney before speaking with law enforcement.

Early contact with a domestic violence attorney in Dallas could make a significant difference in whether a case is indicted or even filed. We also may be able to help you collect evidence early in the process, or avoid an embarrassing arrest. Even if an accusation does not seem serious at first, you have to take it very seriously.

At M|C Criminal Law, we have the experience and resources to guide and represent clients facing domestic violence cases. As former high-level prosecutors in Dallas County, we have extensive jury trial experience and long-standing relationships with local law enforcement that could make a critical difference in your case. 

We offer highly personalized legal counsel, a compassionate approach, and a commitment to working every angle of your case to achieve the best possible results. You can trust us to defend your rights, while also helping you address any issues or behaviors that may have led to such frightening circumstances.

M|C Criminal Law proudly represents clients in Dallas, Texas, and throughout North Texas, including Fort Worth, Denton, and McKinney.

Accused of Family Violence Charges in Texas

Understanding Family Violence Charges in Texas

Under Texas Family Code Section 71.004, family violence charges include any of the following:

  • An act by one family or household member against another family or household member that threatens or results in physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault;
  • Child abuse involving a family or household member;
  • Dating violence.

Family violence does not include defensive measures to protect oneself.

A family or household member may be any of the following persons:

  • A current or former spouse;
  • A child of a former or current spouse;
  • A foster parent or foster child of the defendant;
  • Parents of the same child;
  • Persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption;
  • A person who currently lives or previously lived in the household;
  • A current or former dating or romantic partner.

Misdemeanor and Felony Domestic Violence

The charges and punishments for a domestic violence offense often depend on the magnitude of the bodily injury, harm, or threat to the victim, the number of prior family violence convictions, and other aggravating factors. 

Misdemeanor family violence charges are typically a class C misdemeanor, which carres no jail time and a fine of up to 500$ or a class A misdemeanor, which can be penalized with up to one year in state jail and a fine of up to $4,000.

Felony domestic violence charges can be a third-, second-, and first-degree felony. Third-degree felony domestic violence is penalized with two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000; a second-degree felony is penalized with two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000; a first-degree felony is penalized with 5 to 99 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. 

In addition to jail or prison time and fines, both misdemeanor and felony domestic violence convictions in Texas can have other long-lasting consequences, including

  • Mandatory anger management classes;
  • Loss of custody rights or parenting privileges;
  • Inability to obtain a hunting or fishing license in the state;
  • Loss of firearms or gun-carrying rights;
  • Loss of child custody rights or parental privileges;
  • Loss of current or future employment opportunities;
  • A domestic violence restraining or protective order;
  • Possible deportation or inability to enter the United States (for non-U.S. citizens);
  • A permanent criminal record.


Unfortunately, the consequences listed above are not rare occurrences. You need the domestic violence defense attorneys in Dallas, TX at your side before the charges are even filed.

How Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys Protect You Against Family Violence Charges

When facing family violence accusations, a domestic violence defense attorney will gather evidence for their client and build a case that has the highest chance of a successful defense. 

There are many valid defenses, based on the unique circumstances of your case. Your attorney may be able to fight your charges by showing:

  • False accusations
  • Self-defense
  • Defense of others
  • Defense of property
  • Innocence 
  • No offense occurred
  • Lack of knowledge
  • Lack of intent
  • An unintentional act, or mistake
  • Irregularities in the evidence
  • Error during the investigation
  • Inability to prove the offense beyond reasonable doubt
  • The incident occurred due to the victim’s actions or behavior


Additionally, an experienced domestic violence defense attorney can intervene quickly, taking preemptive measures to prevent the prosecutor from filing the case or negotiating a more favorable deal with the Texas court.

Work With an Experienced Family Violence Defense Attorney

Defending yourself against family violence allegations without experienced representation exposes you to the risks of maximum punishment. Hiring a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney is crucial to help craft a strong defense strategy that fits your unique circumstances.

At M|C Criminal Law, we will work through every detail of your case, conduct a thorough investigation, and determine your best defense strategy to fight the allegations against you. Our experienced and caring team of domestic violence defense attorneys in Dallas, TX, will help you navigate every aspect of the Texas criminal justice system. 

We will fight for the best possible results, and we will help you address any personal issues that may have contributed to your case. We want to help you achieve the cleanest criminal record possible, and keep it that way.


If you are facing domestic violence charges, don’t face them alone. Contact M|C Criminal Law today to schedule a simple case assessment. Our dedicated attorneys can offer you the detailed legal counsel, strong advocacy, and aggressive representation you need in your case. We’re proud to represent clients in Dallas, Texas, and throughout North Texas, including Fort Worth, Denton, or McKinney.

M|C Criminal Law

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